Wednesday 25 February 2009

Pan Mac book pr0n

Received some tasty morsels this morning from Pan Macmillan...
Starting in the top left, we have Nights of Villjamur, by Mark Charan Newton (at last...been waiting a while for that one), then Twisted Metal by Tony Ballantyne (know nothing about it but it sounds cool), and then lastly Shadow of the Scorpion by Neal Asher (that's not some sort of mystic light seeping from it, but merely the glare of the camera flash...). 

Thanks to Chloe for sending the above. I was slightly alarmed when I saw the Royal Mail sticker on the front of the package that said "OMG WE'VE DAMAGED YOUR GOODS. HAVE A NICE DAY." Fortunately the contents escaped mostly unscathed, save for a tiny scuff on the front of Nights of Villjamur (would have to be that one...). Still, that might have already been on there. Proofs have a tendency to be a bit knackered, it's all part of their charm!


Todd Newton said...

I'll be interested to hear what Twisted Metal is all about, since I'm sure it has nothing to do with the video game franchise of the same name.

Congratulations on your new additions!

ediFanoB said...

Look forward to read your comments on Nights of Villjamur.

Neal Asher said...

And I look forward to your comments too!