Today I spent the better part of 5 hours in a largely comotose state in which I managed to answer one phonecall before falling asleep at my desk. All because I just had to watch another episode of Band of Brothers before crawling into bed the previous night. Sigh. As I'm not eager for a repeat tomorrow, I thought I'd leave my comments on Bitterwood until Tuesday. For now, here's some other information that might be of interest:
Firstly, Jeff over at Fantasy Book News and Reviews has decided to re-invent his book review blog into a one-stop review database. If you click on an author's initial, it provides a rundown of all authors whose names begin with that letter, and a list of their books with links to different reviews on the net. I for one think it's an awesome idea, so I thought I'd share it with everyone. Jeff's database can be found here:
Secondly, the 2007 Preliminary Nebula Ballot shortlist has been announced. Harry Potter gets the obligatory nod even though it won't win. As for the other titles, I've not actually read any of them so can't comment. I understand that some of them are available for free download though. In any case, here's the link:
Finally, I picked up Gail Z. Martin's The Summoner today and am 40 pages in. I'm enjoying it so far, the first chapter makes a decent impression. Certainly better than Bitterwood in any case. Hopefully have a full review up in a few days.
Quote of the Day
17 hours ago
thanks for the plug!
Interestingly enough..I am also reading The Summoner (200 pages in). I am liking it, but the writing seems on the par of an Eddings (Belgariad era)...almost like it could be a young adult novel (unless the content turns more adult in the last 400 pages).
Great minds think alike, Jeff. Or at least choose to read the same book at the same time. I agree, the tone of the novel reminds me of authors like Terry Brooks but that's no bad thing.
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