I dropped into Waterstones yesterday to pick up my Steven Erikson tickets (w00t, etc) and was rather excited to find that they're currently running a '3 for 2' promotion on books by a number of genre authors, including David Gemmell, Terry Brooks and, uh, Trudi Canavan...
Subsequently I walked away with Gemmell's entire Troy trilogy, and will no doubt be returning shortly to pick up more Gemmell novels while the offer lasts...
Few things in life are as good as free books...
Teh goodness.
More inexpensive ebook goodies!
14 hours ago
James you're right, free books are awesome.
I tried to read a Trudi Canavan book after buying it months and months ago but it just couldn't hold my interest. Even for Fantasy, it wasn't believable. Have you ever read any of Jacqueline Carey's books (Kushiel's Dart, Kushiel's Everything Else)?
BTW, I'm almost halfway through A Clash of Kings and loving it. SO glad I jumped into this series. I can barely put the book down.
Dark Wolf: I'm always right. ;)
T.D: To be fair, I've not read any of Canavan's stuff, simply because it looks like bog-standard, middle-of-the-road fantasy. Not my sort of thing.
Yeah I've heard of the Kushiel books, my fiancee quite likes them. We've got a few lying around at home. Not read them myself. Probably never will, but you never know.
Glad you're enjoying Martin. He is teh daddy. And if you think ACOK is good, wait until you read the next book in the series...
Oh, I can't wait, this story is just getting better and better.
The Kushiel books are actually good - lots of culture to eat up but they may not be your style if you enjoy things more like Martin and Gemmell. The problem with Carey's books is that they are ungodly long... not that that's unique in the genre or anything, but each one is quite an undertaking. I didn't even get all the way through the 2nd one before I had to return it to the library.
I might give Canavan another chance at some point, who knows. I mean, I just read completely through Eye of the World (my third attempt to swallow the massive amount of words Jordan can fit into a page). Still need to write my review of that.
I know what you mean about Trudi Canavan. I tried to give one of her books a chance but when I came across a character called 'King Calpol'... well, I couldn't read any more...
TD: I think one of the other problems with the Kushiel books - according to my better half - is that after Carey exhausted the actual character of Kushiel, she started churning out books about Kushiel's adoptive son, who just isn't as interesting to read about. Naturally, even though the later books are not really about Kushiel, they still have her name on the cover...
I wouldn't bother giving Canavan another chance. Far better books out there.
Ah, The Eye of the World. Loved that book when I read it many years ago. A sign of what the Wheel of Time series should have been like. Jordan could write, no doubt. Brilliant atmosphere in TEOTW. Shame he got bogged down in detail later on in the series.
Graeme: Seriously? King Calpol? It's a terrible name, but with the connotation it's even worse. One imagines a big bottle of the purple stuff sitting there wearing a crown...
I'm serious... It may have been spelt with a 'K' (can't remember, I threw the book away) but it was still close enough to make me think "erm... no."
That truly is dire. Good idea for a post though: crap fantasy names...
One I can think of straight away is Wigg from Robert Newcomb's 'novels.'
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