Saw this artwork posted over at the hotlist as part of Pat's interview with Tom Lloyd, and immediately I knew it would have to feature here as a crap fantasy book cover.
It's just...I don't know. Tired. A bland image - some generic dragon throwing a frilly-cuffed strop, with Iron Man (wtf is he doing there?) holding a couple of those cheap plasma balls you can get from all tacky novelty shops.
What interested me though, was Lloyd's response to whether he liked the artwork:
"I’m very happy with both the covers he’s done; I think they’re perfect for the market and just great images in themselves."
Disagree with the last point, but Lloyd's probably bang on the money with the first - and that is perhaps why although this cover is awful, it might be suitable. The difference between the US and UK markets has been mentioned time and time again.
Still, however suitable the cover is, it's still crap.
Crap-o-meter rating: 8.5/10
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13 hours ago
I agree. If I hadnt already heard about the book, I would not have been interested based on the cover. It looks like some cheap (self-published) kids book to me. At least make the title in raised lettering or something.
That's hilarious... I actually just bought this book and had mixed feelings about the cover.
Definitely not as bad as some of the other ones you've featured, but it's certainly missing something.
I'm going to to go ahead and disagree with you James. I've got a copy and the title does have raised lettering.
zomg, pwned... except only the book title is raised, not the author's name. unpwned. carry on.
Jeff: Yeah, I think the cover is kinda YA - which is fine, except that it's not a YA book.
TD: Interested to see what you think of the book itself. I made it to about 150 pages. I think. Didn't work for me, though I might give it another go.
Rob: Feel free to disagree, Sir! Although I'm not sure whether you're disagreeing with me or Jeff, cos although you said my name it was Jeff that mentioned the raised lettering...
Well, first impression is not all that hopeful. I read most of the first chapter in the Voting line yesterday and actually had a moment of Whoa, a miscellaneous youth who somehow has magical powers that aren't appreciated? How unique and clever!
I had confidence based on the publisher (since they brought us Joe Abercrombie) but now my hopes are dwindling based on your abandonment.
TD: I have to admit I also bought it purely on the basis that Gollancz also published Abercrombie and Lynch at around the same time, but imo Lloyd isn't in the same league. Still, don't let me put you off. As I said, I might give it another go.
Oops, sorry. The title does have raised lettering. However, it really isnt noticeable unless you run your fingers over it. So to me, when viewing the cover on the shelf, it looks flat ;)
I'm like 25% through this book (finally came back around to it) and still having problems reading the thing. I want to like it, I really do.
BTW, I just saw the UK cover art and it is way more dark/stylish than this nonsense. Boo US cover art, boo yet again. In comparison, it is utter schlock.
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