Joe's just revealed that, at the time of writing, Last Argument of Kings (LAOK) is the 12th most popular book on Amazon (including all categories and genres). And it's not even been released yet. There's no denying that this is rather impressive.
As the UK release of LAOK is only 5 days away (20th March 2008), I think it's time everyone started to get excited. Well, maybe just a little. So, here's some more Abercrombie goodness for you:
A new interview with Joe over at UK SF Booknews: http://www.uksfbooknews.net/2008/03/14/joe-abercrombie-on-the-conclusion-of-his-debut-series-the-first-law/
A new review of LAOK by Aidan over at A Dribble of Ink: http://aidanmoher.com/blog/?p=138
If that wasn't enough, this month's issue of SFX magazine contains an interview and a book review of LAOK (which awards the full five stars).
So there you have it; that should keep you all going until the book is released...although I'm afraid you guys and girls in the States will have to wait a little bit longer...
I do believe I will pick up a copy of it while I'm in Toronto next month. It'd be kind of silly not to.
it seems we tend to post about similar topics from time to time :)
TD - yes, you would be very silly. ;)
Thrin - I think it's unavoidable at times!
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