Thanks to
Larry for pointing
this one out: a blog devoted entirely to some
individual's pathetic whining about how long it's taking for
George R. R. Martin to finish
A Dance With Dragons.
Here's some of the bullshit this chump's been spouting:
"I was criticized for comparing GRRM to Erikson. All I was pointing out was the fact that Erikson writes every day, since it is his job, he is a writer. Am I asking George to do this? No. I'm just asking that he at least pretends to show that he cares. All we hear from him is what trip he was on, what convention, what pizza he ate on the east coast, what he is reading, what new products he has for us. I mean seriously, have you every seen so much merchandising for a book series that A) isn't completed or B) hasn't been made into a movie? But as long as we are on topic, I will cite another poster who said Terry Pratchett comes out with a book every six months, Erikson, since 1999 has come out with 8 books that deal with the Malazan series, plus 5 other novellas that deal with Malazan, and 3 other novels. His books are just as long and detailed as GRRMs; in fact, i find them to be even more in-depth than Martin. Robin Hobb, since Assassin's Apprentice (1995) has come out with four different trilogies. Terry Goodkind, another series of grand scale, started in 1994, has come out with 11 books in his series. I could go on, but my point is, yes all writers are different, but at least these writers, especially those who write books in a series, do all seem to have the same thing in common...they work."Yeah, maybe
Hobb and
Goodkind all release books more quickly than
GRRM. But none of them are as good a writer as
GRRM is (
Goodkind is not even close) and their work is not of the same standard. GRRM is writing what many (myself included) consider to be the best work of epic fantasy since LOTR. You just can't rush this sort of undertaking. The mention of Pratchett is ridiculous; he doesn't even write in the same sub-genre!
"They (the above authors) respect their fans enough to continue to work on their novels and to release them in a timely manner."Terry
Goodkind respecting his fans? Good one. I mean, he only managed to slag off half his readership in that infamous interview that was posted on his website a few years back.
Don't for one minute try and feed me that shit about
GRRM not caring about his fans. When I met
GRRM at one of his book signings, he was one of the most humble, polite people I've ever met. When I got my book signed, I asked him if he could scribble 'Best of luck with your writing.' Not only did he do that, but he actually asked me what I was writing and we chatted about that for a couple of minutes. On the two occasions I've emailed him, I've received a response both times - which is more I can say of many authors. Overall, I struggle to think of an author who cares about his fans
"I'm not asking the guy to plug 10 hour shifts just to finish Dance, but its been what? Two years since A Feast of Crows? If I am not mistaken, I believe it took over 4 years between Storm of Swords and Feast. I would think a writer, who knew where his story was going, would at least by accident be able to punch out two novels over a five year period, unless that writer was just milking this thing for all it's worth, and that is just what the big man seems to be doing."Just what does this guy want, exactly? You get the impression that these twats whining about the length of time it's taking
GRRM to write
Dance are the same ones who whined about
Feast not being as good as
Sword. It means
GRRM is in an impossible position - if he quickly bangs out a sub-standard book, the whiners will complain it's not up to the standard of the earlier books. If he spends four years working to get it right, the whiners complain about the time it's taking. When you look at it like this, you can see why
GRRM got pissed off with all the shit being posted on his journal in the first place.
The way I see it personally is quite simple.
A Feast for Crows was, in my own estimation, disappointing. Therefore, I want the next novel to be as good as possible. If it takes George five years to write a novel this good, then I'll wait. Quality beats quantity.
Yes, the delay can be frustrating for fans of the series...but there's plenty of other decent fantasy to read while we're waiting. And as for all those 'fans' who bleat about how George doesn't care anymore, how he's working too slowly, how he's showing a lack of respect, etc: you're acting like prissy kids who are whining about not getting enough pocket money. It's not George that is lacking respect - it's you.
Still, I must admit that their worthless views make entertaining lunchtime reading.