Saturday 4 October 2008

Linky links

Some interesting stuff from the blogosphere this week:

Despite trekking around Europe, Aidan has still managed to find time to review The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. Yet another highly positive review of this book; I really ought to check it out. 

Wert has been a busy bunny recently, blogging away at a frantic pace. He enjoyed  World War Z by Max Brooks (another book that I really like the sound of) and is currently working his way through Jordan's Wheel of Time, so if you ever wanted to know more about those novels now would be a good time to check Wert's blog out.

Jeff has discussed Pat's earlier review of Brent Weeks' debut novel The Way of Shadows and has raised several issues that he doesn't understand or agree with. I must admit I agree with Jeff on several of these points. I respect Pat for his achievements and I do enjoy his blog, but I'm not a fan of his reviews. Jeff has also interviewed Brent Weeks and has also reviewed his novel. I should say now that I'm glad Jeff continued blogging, as his blog is one of my favourites. 

Dark Wolf continues his weekly foray into the world of fantasy art. 

Graeme has also read and enjoyed World War Z by Max Brooks.


Jeff C said...

thanks for the plug and encouragement, James. I appreciate it! I still think my traditional reviews need work, but I am getting more comfortable with the likes/dislikes reviews. Not sure how helpful that format is for others, though.

Adam Whitehead said...

Ha, people should pray that my prolonged bout of unemployment ends soon so I have less time for blogging!

Still, I know of some bloggers who struggle to think of anything to say at all and go months between posts, so it's interesting to see I have 4 DVDs, 8 Wheel of Time books (maybe 10 if I do the prequel and companion), 15 non-WoT books and 3 games all queued up for reviewing soon.

That does lead to the question: what is the optimal frequency of blogging? Once per day, three times a week, twice a month? I've had very different reactions to that question when I've asked it before.

James said...

Jeff: No problem; I'm glad you kept blogging and I enjoy your reviews. I think the like/dislike feature is really helpful, not to mention distinctive (don't think anyone else really does that in the same way).

Adam: Stay unemployed - you'll have more fun that way! As for the question, interesting one. I feel a blog post coming on...