Looks like the popular genre convention Alt Fiction is going to be held this year, after its absence in 2009, with the current projected date being 12 June 2010. Details so far are rather sketchy, though the con will once again take place in Derby. There's usually a good turnout of authors, editors, agents, reviewers and other genre folk, and a host of panels and discussions throughout the day.
Mark Charan Newton has already threatened to gatecrash the event by holding a launch party for his upcoming book City of Ruin, which should be fun (even more fun if we can get him drunk beforehand - that'll be one of my goals for the day).
Anyway, more details as and when. I'll probably be attending, though will no doubt end up in the bar (along with 99% of the other attendees).
The event's official website can be found here.
More inexpensive ebook goodies!
4 hours ago
I think Adele has convinced me to pop up for the day as well :-). Will be nice to meet in person.
This isn't too bad a drive from north wales, only around 3 hours, so odds are I'll be there for the day. Hopefully!
I think I might try and make this one as well. I very nearly went last year, but something or t'other came up.
By then, Jason, you and I will be quite the experienced con attendees after our baptism of fire at Eastercon!
Damn you all and your country in which everything is within reasonable driving distance.
Out of curiousity, how long is the longest trip you could take by car?
I am on the very southest coast of England. If I drove to the very northest point in England it would take me between six and seven hours depending on traffic and whether I wanted speeding tickets!
I guess there are good and bad sides to everything but basically 90% of US conventions are not within easy transportation distance (i.e. not a cheap trip)
Yeah, that's one good thing about living in the UK - everything is within reasonable travelling distance.
That said, I do recall horrendous 8-hour car journeys from South-East England to Scotland as a child. Horrible.
Anyway, looking forward to meeting anyone who's going. :)
I'm going, in fact since i'm local, they've roped me into helping out a bit so I can't not be there now. :)
Only Con I've been to was a small one in Sydney in '98 and I have fond memories (and a couple photos) of introducing Black Sambucca to Terry Pratchett and David Gemmell.
Worldcon is held in Melbourne this year and I am SO going, hope they get a few more authors to come on down to the Land of Oz.
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