Yeah, so been a bit quiet on the old blogging front recently, though for no particular reason. I could have posted some cover art, but to be honest I'm pretty tired of talking about covers - and there's little point when half the other blogs have already done so. Anyway, I expect to have a fair bit of content coming up over Easter, so stay tuned. In terms of reading, I've almost finished Farlander and am dipping in and out of a collection of M. R. James ghost stories - which, I've discovered, are best not read right before going to bed...
Until I get some content up, here's some tasty genre morsels for you all to get your teeth into.
Mark Charan Newton has revealed plans for an audiobook of Nights of Villjamur, and also has the revised and much-improved US artwork for the same book (see left).
Aidan's reviewed The Desert Spear by Peter Brett, and interestingly wasn't totally sold on it - great review, check it out. He's also got the blurb and US artwork (I'm not keen on it) for Joe Abercrombie's next book The Heroes.
Wert's been in full-on duracell bunny mode recently. He's reviewed Daniel Abraham's A Shadow in Summer (must get around to checking this out, it sounds like my sort of thing), as well as White is For Witching by Helen Oyeyemi (I've got a copy of this, sounds quite interesting). Wert's also got the latest news on Paul Kearney's Corvus and Monarchies of God omnibus.
Graeme's reviewed Mark Chadbourn's The Sword of Albion, which is a book I've definitely got my eyes on.
The Speculative Scotsman has reviewed Shadow Prowler, a novel by Russian author Alexey Pehov who is huge in his homeland but until now was a name unfamiliar to UK/US readers. The premise of Shadow Prowler is horribly clichéd - evil dark lord (actually called The Nameless One) wants to destroy world, so hero needs to find magical artifact to save kingdom. Hmm. It sounds like the novel also has some issues with exposition, but the Scotsman sees enough positives in it to recommend the book, so maybe it's worth a try.
More inexpensive ebook goodies!
4 hours ago
Daniel Abraham's Long Price Quartet is absolutely brilliant. It's one of the few series that I've ever read where the first book was great and each successive book was a step up from the last. No lagging, no sloughing, no boring stuff. :) Loads of goodness in that series and one I can wholeheartedly recommend. I simply can't wait for his new series: The Dagger and the Coin.
MR James, ooooohhhhh!!!!
Sorry, that was an attempt to make a ghostly noise. A few years atgo BBC4 ran a series of his short stories read by Christopher Lee. Chilling stuff.
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